AED Signs

Help make people locate necessary equipment

AED Signs indicate where Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) are located in the facility. AED machines transmit electric shocks that are meant to restart heartbeat in victims suffering from heart attacks. Currently, AEDs can be seen and are used in various establishments across the country, such as schools and shopping malls, as well as office buildings and industrial facilities. Improve emergency response efforts by making sure that people can easily find AEDs when necessary.

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Unlike the defibrillators found in hospitals, AEDs require little training, which makes them very useful in administering emergency assistance. An individual can obtain training for AED use in first aid, basic life support and/or CPR classes. AEDs are employed for use in two types of scenarios that lead to cardiac arrest. The first is ventricular tachycardia, which is characterized by a rapid and dysfunctional heart rate starting from the ventricles. The second is ventricular fibrillation, wherein an abnormal contraction of cardiac muscles occurs, which prevents blood from pumping through the body. Help emergency responders and install the best AED Signs from Seton today.